Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Impressions

As I mentioned in my last post, my classes started today. that I'm starting to do it and see what it's gonna take...I realize...I got this. I know it's not gonna be easy and all that jazz...but I got this. I can handle this.

In case you're interested, I had Music, History and Discrete Math today. Music will be very's basically an understanding music/European musical history class...two topics in which I'm fairly well versed. History has never been hard for me, and this class seems like it won't be the exception. We're covering American history from the colonial to the civil war. One good thing about this class is that we are using novels as our text, not a huge textbook. This also means that the reading assignments will be tolerable, perhaps even enjoyable. I do tend to enjoy reading historical novels, and these novels seem like just the kind of books I like to read. Discrete Math, the topic of much speculation between my mom and I, actually seems fairly straight forward. This was the only class i was really worried about because I wasn't sure how much Calculus would be involved...well I can rest easy now. The professor said that there is no direct use of calculus in the class...but we will use calculus ideas and theory. This is the best news I could have gotten...cause I have no problem with calculus's the work that kills me.

Overall it has been a very good first day...I'm starting to learn the layout of the campus very well, and think i have figured out the quickest paths between my classes.

And is getting late and I need to rest up for my second day of ends this installment of my adventures as a disaffected college student.

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